Video Marketing is here to stay in 2023 and for years to come. It is important to know that the industry has dramatically evolved over the years, and so have video marketing trends. In today’s post, we will share top video marketing trends to follow this year. But first, let’s answer the most commonly asked question regarding the subject:

Is Video Marketing Still Effective in 2023?

Yes, it is. In fact, video marketing is a vital aspect for businesses around the world. As per the Content Marketing Institute’s 2022 Content Marketing and Visual Storytelling Survey, 73% of marketers agree that video marketing is essential for businesses to thrive this year around. More and more social media platforms are popping up, and they all are focusing on video-first algorithms.

Top Video Marketing Trends 2023 to take note of

Now let’s get to the good stuff and discuss top marketing trends for this year:

1. User-Generated Video

One of the top trends when it comes to social media marketing is user-generated video content. It essentially involves real users of your product talking about the video and its effect on their lives. Examples include a testimonial, demonstration of product usage, and haul videos that feature your product. With TikTok videos and similar features across multiple platforms, content is critical for connecting with the audience. Consumers respond 2.4x more to user-generated content than branded content.

2. Digital Communities Grow and Diversify

As people are slowly bouncing back from the effects of the pandemic, digital communities continue to thrive due to their human element in online spaces. Brands need to ensure that the content feels organic and truly communicates the language of every single platform. It is crucial to get on the emerging trends and conversations. Creating on-trend creatives will enable your brand to embed in communities with the help of content. These communities also help you connect with your target audience and optimize video marketing.

3. Audiences Use Multiple Platforms

When it comes to video marketing, always look for channel diversification. Your audience is probably scattered through the social landscape, and diversifying is very important. Every channel has its unique audience and advantages. Marketing across multiple channels is the key to growth, conversion, and retaining your audience. Moreover, these are relatively affordable options for marketers.

4. Audience Targeting Will Evolve

Targeting audiences on different platforms, even social media, has become complicated. That said, social media has been more saturated than ever, resulting in new challenges for brands. Do not get nervous, as social platforms have targeting capabilities and opportunities that will enable you to serve audience-specific content. This will also help you reshape your social marketing strategy to cater to a wider audience.

5. Social Media + eCommerce = Social Commerce

Did you know that in the year 2020, eCommerce growth surged by 30%? Social Commerce accelerated shopping trends by two years, and eCommerce became the preferred way of shopping. This trend is surely going to stay for years and years to come unless we find something more convenient. Keeping up with this trend, every major platform will continue to invest in building more engaging shopping experiences in 2023. It presents an opportunity to ideate lower-funnel video content that is specifically made for each channel.

6. Educational and Informational Videos

Online video content can help you learn nearly anything. Educational videos are going to be the top trend of 2023. One study done on TikTok users found that about 24% of respondents use the platform to do new things. YouTube is a fantastic platform for sharing educational content for your brand. Teaching users some valuable information is a sure shot way to get more customers who are going to stick around for a very long time and video marketing is the best opportunity to do so.

7. Rise of Interactive AR Content

Be very ready for innovative content types in 2023. Interactive augmented reality will be on the boom in 2023. Always keep a close eye on AR as it advances through 2023. Currently, it looks like a digitally immersive experience that is represented by fillers/lenses on different platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. But it will surely take different forms and continue to evolve through the year.

8. The Popularity of Virtual Events

These LinkedIn invites won’t be stopping anytime soon. It goes along with the growth of digital communities that increases popular virtual events. Statista states that 40% of global marketing events were held in 2022, only 35% in 2020. Virtual events are the norm even post-pandemic. It enables participants to gain experiences virtually without stepping out of their homes. Virtual events also help save time and money.

9. Influencers and Brands Collabs

Influencer Marketing is on the rise, and it is only going to thrive in the year 2023. We all agree that influencers impact our purchasing decisions in one way or the other. The potential benefits of video marketing with influencers have endless uses and will continue to bring positive impacts for businesses around the globe.

10. Connected TV Advertising

As Connected TV continues to boom, marketers will be using their ad dollars to meet the trend. Many businesses plan to add CTV into their 2023 marketing strategies. This step will essentially put your brand name on the biggest screen in the house, which is a huge plus. While it can get expensive, you don’t want to ignore this in the upcoming years. Give it a thought, and then slowly decide whether your business is ready to take this step or not.

The marketing trends listed above will surely evolve through the year 2023. That said, it is crucial to be on the lookout for new trends that might pop up and align the goals and strategies for your brand accordingly. Maintaining flexibility throughout the year is important. Stay vigilant on what is trending and what isn’t. We hope you found our post informative and helpful. If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, feel free to connect and share.

Have you been been fishing the internet for video creation tips? It’s likely that you’ve probably stumbled upon several sites with advice on how to create a good video. That’s great because having a good video made is an important aspect of your marketing strategy. It provides you with a great opportunity to connect with your target audience in different ways. Check out this article on why making videos is important.

Here are some elements of a good video

  • Good videos are engaging, informative and fun to watch.
  • A good video should engage the viewer with high-quality graphics and music.
  • A good video should contain an attention-grabbing opening scene that draws the viewer in. It should keep them from turning away from the video before it is over.
  • A good video will inspire a viewer to share the video on social media.
  • Good videos are usually created by professional videographers who have years of experience creating successful videos.

Here are some elements of a bad video

  • Bad videos can hurt your business.
  • A bad video has poor lighting, sound and/or video quality.
  • The goal of a bad video is often to just have anything that is better than nothing at all.
  • A bad video may discourage viewers from sharing it with their friends on social media because they do not want their friends to think badly of them for sharing a poor quality video. They even do not want their friends to think that they do not know the difference between a good and bad video.
  • Bad videos are typically created by amateurs who have little or no training in videography or film making.

How does video quality affect businesses?

A professional video can make or break your business because you have only one chance to make a first impression. So if you want to be taken seriously and attract more clients, it is important that your video is high quality. You need to make sure that it gives a first impression of what you do and also walk viewers through on how your service or product help clients or customers.

Live video has become the new “it” thing in the world of marketing. All across the board, businesses are jumping on the live video bandwagon, whether it’s to connect with customers and prospects, or to provide customer service. And for good reason — live video is quickly becoming one of the most effective ways to engage your audience.

Here are 10 benefits of using a live video platform for your business

  1. Live Video Is More Engaging
  2. It Can Drive Higher Conversion Rates
  3. Live Video Boosts Brand Awareness
  4. It Increases Social Sharing and Retention Rates
  5. Live Video Has a Low Cost of Entry
  6. It Increases Your Target Audience Reach
  7. Live Video Doesn’t Require Specialized Equipment or Talent (or Training!)
  8. It Can Be Used as Part of a Campaign or Promotion – or As Its Own Event!
  9. Live Video Can Be Used Anywhere and Anytime
  10. You can create your own custom branded channel

Final Thoughts

A live video marketing campaign can provide you with valuable insight into your customers, from what they like and dislike about your business to how you can improve. It’s this kind of trust and transparency that will build a loyal audience for your business. The best way to accomplish this goal is by using a live video platform to enhance your communication with customers.

A live video marketing campaign can be a powerful tool, but it only works when it’s authentic and personable. The platform that you choose should give you full control of all aspects of your campaign, while also providing an interface that makes sense to all levels of employees within your business.

You may also take a look at our portfolio or explore the different services offered by Chitralekha Studios below:

Ad commercials are a powerful way of communicating your message and are an important part of any marketing strategy. But creating an ad film that is informative, memorable and engaging is not as straight forward as it seems.

Here are the four keys to successful ad commercials

  1. Have a clear purpose – why are you making this ad film? What do you want the person watching it to do or think?
  2. Identify your target audience – who is going to watch your ad film? If you don’t know who they are then how can you show them something relevant?
  3. Always tell a story – stories engage people in a way that facts and figures cannot. An idea needs to be memorable so that people can associate with it easily and relate to it later on down the line when they need what you’re selling.
  4. Make sure there’s no jargon – if you use industry terms in an ad film then most people will not understand what you mean because they won’t know what those words mean! Make sure everything is explained clearly and simply so everyone can understand it easily without having to look up any words afterwards!

When creating your next advertisement, keep the key points of psychology in mind. Seek to inspire action. Stir up emotions. Each will help you create an ad that is engaging and memorable. Then simply pick a medium that’s a good match for your product, engage the right team of people to develop and produce it, and then choose the right channel to let your target audience see it.

Read more about tv commercials/ad filmmaking

Shooting and Editing Tips to Create an Awesome Ad Film

What You Need To Know Before Hiring a Video Production Company

Why is video marketing the most effective tool for communication

You may also take a look at our portfolio or explore the different services offered by Chitralekha Studios below:

When it comes to an Ad Film, TV Commercial and Online video commercial, the purpose is to promote new products or brands. The one main thing that makes them novel is their ability to inspire an impactful message within a short time frame that is less than 2 minutes.

Here are 3 elements that can make your Ad Film or TV Commercial different & better

The story behind the product

If you can’t tell a great story behind your product, then why should anyone buy it? Your ad film or TV commercial needs to show what makes your product so special, and why customers should buy it over all others.

The visuals and soundtrack used

The visuals and soundtrack used in your ad film or TV commercial will help to set the tone for the overall piece, as well as make it more memorable. Make sure you choose wisely!

The length of time spent on each shot

Some people believe that shorter ads are better because they can hold attention better than longer ones. However, if the shorter ads aren’t backed up by something really interesting in the background of each shot, then they won’t hold attention for long at all. If you have an important point to make about your product, then make sure it doesn’t get lost in a flurry of images and sounds!

Our Verdict on TV Commercial Production

Telling a story through commercial is something hard to do. It requires a lot of talent, skill and understanding of what the audience wants to see. It is always advisable to hire the best ad filmmakers or TV commercial producers when it comes to your videos for your brand.

Get in touch with the top ad filmmakers in India today.

You may also take a look at our portfolio or explore the different services offered by Chitralekha Studios below:

You have finally made the decision to invest in video content to boost your brand. But how do you ensure that your video is watched or reaches your target audience? If no one watches your videos, it is no better than not making videos in the first place. One way to ensure that your videos are being watched by your target audience is to run YouTube ads. They are a cost-effective way of distributing content, improving brand awareness, and acquiring customers.

But are all YouTube ads the same? Not really. They are at least 5 major types of YouTube ads you can run in 2022. Choosing the right type of ad is critical to the success of your campaign. Here are the types of ads you must be aware of before setting up your campaign.

5 types of YouTube Ads

  1. Skippable in-stream ads (Truview ads): This is one of the common types of YouTube ads and can be skipped after watching for 5 seconds. They commonly appear at the beginning of the video on YouTube but can also be spotted anywhere on the Google Display Network. As the name ‘Truview’ suggests, advertisers only pay for these ads when a viewer watches them for at least 30 seconds or interacts with the ad by clicking on the CTA. For these ads, it is crucial to capture the viewer’s attention within the first 5 seconds so that they continue watching. Starting with a problem statement or a popular scenario will help the audience empathize and stay connected. One of the advantages these ads have over others is the amount of insights marketers can get. You can get information such as partial views, full views, interactions, etc.
  2. Non-Skippable in-stream ads: Unlike the above ads, these cannot be skipped by the viewers. They are 15 to 20 seconds in length and can play either at the start, middle or after the main video has ended. Advertisers pay per impression for these ads i.e CPM. These ads are great for either brand awareness or conveying a quick call to action. Ensure that your messages are crisp and clear for these ads.
  3. Bumper ads: These are a sub-category of the non-skippable ads and are 6 seconds long. These are the shortest form of YouTube ads. Here too, advertisers pay per impression. They are great for short messages and brand awareness. You may not be able to tell a great story in 6 seconds, so use the duration for direct and sharp communication. The shorter duration also calls for better visuals to connect with the audience and create brand recall. They are usually played before the main video. If used judiciously, bumper ads can be great for conveying very memorable brand messages.
  4. Masthead ads: This isn’t a very well-known ad format but is ideal for creating massive brand awareness. These ads will be displayed on the YouTube homepage and will stay on top of the feed for 24 hours. Unlike the rest of the ad categories these cannot be purchased online. You will have to contact a YouTube sales respresentative or a Google Ads representative to buy these slots. You also cannot target specific audience with mast head ads. You can only choose a country to target. The ads are automatically shown to everyone in that location. Because these ads cost a whopping amount, they are generally not used by small or medium brands. These ads cost much higher when run on special days or events. If you are looking to run these ads, ensure that your messaging is suitable for a broader audience. Keep the ads short and catcy.
  5. Video discovery ads (also known as in-feed video ads): These ads appear alongside organic search results. They do not appear before or while playing the actual video. If the audience feels the ad is more relevant to their search than the other videos, they can watch it. These ads usually appear with a thumbnail and text. When a user is watching these ads, a banner ad appears along with these ads. These ads can also be found in the suggested videos section while you watch other videos. These are also considered ‘Truview’ ads and advertisers pay only when users watch the video for 30 seconds or longer.

It is important to get a hang of the types of YouTube ads before you start running them. Check out what your competitors are doing and what the industry is doing. Get a hang of the messaging, create good quality videos, and hooray! you can get started! You can also learn more about the types of YouTube ads from Google blog, Hubspot, Hootsuite etc.

To get started on YouTube video ads you can take a look at our advertisement production services and get in touch with our video experts. We’ll help you identify the goals of your campaign and narrow down the possible strategic and creative treatments.

In 2022, most marketers and brands have prioritized video content. It has been identified as the most consumable form of content that can be produced. But, it is not easy to create videos. Regardless of the plethora of tools available for free, engaging video content is hard to create. It involves lot more resources from your team than other types of content.

They are also expensive to create and often not within the reach of many small and medium-sized companies. However, videos do not have to be of great visual quality to be engaging. A great video is one that communicates the right message to your target audience and turns them towards the desired call to action.

Here are five tips for creating engaging video content

1. Finalize your brand positioning and strategy

Video or any type of content your brand creates must align with your brand positioning and strategy. Narrow down what your brand wants to communicate and how. Not every piece of your content needs to directly communicate your brand message. In fact, due to the short attention spans of customers, direct brand communication is often ignored. However, without brand positioning, your content will not have purpose and direction.

2. Identify customer personas

Once your brand positioning is clear, identify target customer personas. Understand how they interact with content and how they consume content. Your target audience determines what your content needs to be and how it needs to be delivered. A good way to get started with customer personas is to observe trends in data or get started on some experience marketing campaigns. Experiment as much as possible to understand your target audience.

3. Create a content calendar

A content calendar gives your team clarity and discipline to get started with content. Engaging content is not a one-time requirement and is needed every day to position your brand with your target audience. Ensure that you have a solid content calendar with mood boards before you kickstart content production. A content calendar also gives your team an understanding of the resources needed.

4. Hire content creation partners or have a dedicated team

Content creation is teamwork and video content is more complex than other types of content. A video needs a scriptwriter, director, producer, cast, etc. Without the right resources at your disposal or a dedicated team, you will not be able to deliver what you desire. Either outsource your content production once you conceive it or have an in-house dedicated team.

5. Be authentic and tell a story

This is the most important of all. When creating content, incorporate an authentic narrative and tell a story. Storytelling is what your audience will relate to. Your target audience is the characters in your story. The more authentic and strategic your content is, the better ROI it gives.

Final Verdict

Engaging video content is an amalgamation of several elements. Apart from the resources needed to create it, it requires dedication and commitment from your team. It is also more cost-intensive than other types of content. Be prepared before you dive in.

Also, get in touch with our video production experts to get started with your visual content calendar.


It is great that you have decided to produce video content for your brand. But you are not sure where to start. And every brand wants to create great quality viral content. This is not to say that you can’t find a quality video production company. But what are the important factors to focus on before hiring a video production company? Do they have any specialties that make them more desirable than their competitors? Is their pricing competitive and within your budget? Do they offer any valuable extras, like graphics or animation packages? Do they have experience producing content similar to yours? The important thing is that you be sure about the answers to all of these questions before moving forward with a decision.

Video production agencies today have evolved from being merely content creators. With a plethora of online tools available to create videos for free, video production agencies today offer more.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to find video production companies that can help you achieve your goals. We’ll also discuss what you need to consider when hiring a video production company and how to get started on the best from them.

How To Find A Video Production Company

Finding a video production company online is pretty easy these days. You can simply search for “video production companies” in Google or any other search engine and get results by location, services offered and more. You can also seek referrals from your network on LinkedIn. Below are a few parameters to keep in mind before you kick off any discussions:

  1. Budget – How much money do you have available for this project? Are there any budget caps or limits?
  2. Location – Where do you want the video produced? Does it need to be shot locally? How far away can they travel from their home base without affecting costs substantially?
  3. Equipment – What kind of gear does the company use? Do they specialize in certain types of productions (such as green screen or underwater)? What type of technology do they use?

There’s no getting around it: video production requires a significant investment of time, effort, and money.

But if you’re planning to run a successful video marketing campaign, having the right type of content is key.

Here are some more pointers to consider while finding the right video production company

Find someone who understands your industry

Don’t just look for a production company, look for someone who understands your industry and can produce content that will resonate with your audience. For example, if you’re in the food industry, a production company that specializes in weddings might not be the best fit for you. Instead, find someone who has experience creating videos that appeal to people like your customers.

Check out their Portfolio

Check their portfolio to understand if their work meets your expectations. There are several types of video content. Their portfolio can give you a sneak peek into what they are experts at.

Ask for team member’s information

Ask the vendor about who will be working on the project and their expertise. Interact with the creative team members to see if the project brief is clearly communicated.

Ask for a storyboard presentation

Ask the video production company to either send a proposal or a storyboard to consider. Storyboards can help you gauge if you can work together and if the creative team is capable of executing the project.

Ask for the working procedure

Ideally, a video production procedure has 3 stages. Pre-production, production, and post-production. Ask your potential vendors for different steps involved in each stage and who will be a part of each stage. It will help you get more clarity on how to go about your project.


Take the time to figure out what your expectations are before hiring a video production agency. Ideally, you should approach an agency with a reference video. Having a reference, gives more clarity to you and the vendor. Then make sure their portfolio is comprehensive and you relate to their creative treatment. With that being said, no video or creative is perfect. The best content is one that works or engages your audience. Therefore, ultimately hiring a video production company involves due diligence and collaborative efforts from your team to get the best from the vendor.

We are about 5 months into the year but it’s never too late to keep ourselves updated with the latest trends. With the pandemic accelerating the shift towards video consumption, video can no longer be ignored by marketers. And powerful content creation goes beyond talking about your own products or services. So, here are 5 video marketing trends you can consider while creating content for 2022:

Short-form video

It is almost impossible to ignore short-form video content in the current social media and marketing trends. While it is not clearly defined, any video that is under 2 minutes and 30 seconds in length is considered a short-form video. With social media platforms like Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Pinterest, etc. thrusting on short-form video content, this will continue to remain the most consumed form of video in 2022. For marketers, this could mean shorter attention spans of the target audience and the need to leverage on the creator economy. According to Hubspot, short-form video has the highest ROI than any other one and 30% of marketers are planning to invest in it more than any other one in 2022.


User-Generated-Content is the most authentic way of connecting customers with your brand. Customers consider UGC videos to be more trustworthy and engaging than brand videos. This trend is likely to continue and dominate in 2022 too. For consumer brands, this trend can be detrimental to their content marketing strategy. Go-pro is an example of a brand that has leveraged UGC to its best. As Go-Pro founder, Nick Woodman puts it, “Go-Pro is about celebrating an active lifestyle and sharing it authentically”. The brand has been extremely successful in urging users to share how they use Go-Pro cameras in their adventures by incentivizing them and partnering with people who have an active lifestyle. As UGC has been proven to be better than brand created content, 86% of companies are now using it.

Live Commerce

Although not very well known yet, live commerce has been slowly growing over the past years. It started off as an experiment in China for Singles day and has blown into a transformative shopping experience. In 2020 over 560 million people in China have made purchases on live streams despite the pandemic. The trend has been noticed by the West and others. In India too, the live commerce sphere is accelerating rapidly with startups like SimSim and BulBul empowering small businesses to use the live commerce channel. Traditionally apparel & fashion segment has been dominating the usage of Live Commerce. We have an example from one of our clients too!

Explainer/Educational videos

Explainer videos are not necessarily a new trend but with the launch of new products every day and the rise in D2C start-ups they are becoming increasingly popular. Explainer videos do not necessarily craft a sales-style story but rather act as an infographic. They are more suitable for middle-of-the-funnel marketing and according to HubSpot over 84% of viewers are swayed by explainer videos.

Storytelling advertisements

Advertising is no longer one video or one-off creative. Crafting a brand story and compelling users to act requires consistent storytelling. And marketers seem to have realized this with an increase in series or storytelling style advertisements. One of the most recent examples of how powerful storytelling is demonstrated by Cadbury with the #Notjustacadburyad campaign during the lockdown to help millions of other businesses.

Regardless of the type of video chosen, video will continue to be a dominant tool in your marketing strategy. After all, if a picture is worth a hundred words, a video is worth a million.

Looking for experts to get started with your next video project? Get in touch with the top video production company in Hyderabad.

You may also take a look at our portfolio or explore the different services offered by Chitralekha Studios below:

Video marketing is one of the most powerful and versatile tools that marketers have at their disposal. In fact, according to HubSpot, video marketing has been shown to increase traffic and leads by as much as 53%.

It’s clear that video marketing is here to stay. But with so many new platforms emerging, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends. So what are some of the biggest marketing video trends you need to know for 2022?

Short-Form Videos will be the King of Video Marketing

In a world where attention spans are shrinking, people want their content fast and snappy. This means that in-depth videos are becoming less popular and shorter videos are taking their place. Video platforms like Instagram Stories allow users to post 15-second clips before they disappear after 24 hour. These are perfect for capturing attention during a busy day. Facebook also recently launched its own version of this feature called Boldly Go, which lets users create short-form videos directly from their newsfeeds.

The popularity of these features shows how important it is for brands to create short-form content in order to capture the attention of their audience. But this doesn’t mean long-form videos have lost their appeal altogether — just that they need more creative ways

Video marketing has been around for a long time, but it’s only recently that it’s become the must-have tactic for every business.

Here are some of the trends we think will dominate video in 2022

  1. Customer-generated content
  2. Live streaming
  3. Augmented reality
  4. Virtual reality

Our take on Video Marketing

The video content trend will continue to grow because it has a lot of potential. It can create a personal connection with the viewer, offer storytelling in its most powerful medium, and influence human behavior in ways that make it an extremely effective marketing tool.

To get started with your next video project, get in touch with the top video production company in India.

You may also take a look at our portfolio or explore the different services offered by Chitralekha Studios below: